Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Haunting: The Violent Bear It Away

by Flannery O'Connor

This is a beautifully written book that often surprises. There are pages and pages of better thoughts on this (and all of Flannery O'Connor's works). I'm pretty sure I only catch a glimpse of what the author intends.

One of the thoughts swirling in my head as I read this book was, What if people I think are crazy are really prophets? What would that mean? I'm still not sure I know what that would mean, but it's been interesting to return to that idea over the past few months.

I'm' very glad I've had the chance to read some Flannery O'Connor in a couple of different book clubs. I was nervous about approaching her work before, and I do usually need to look at a few essays online after reading to start to see through to the main ideas, but once I have a starting point, the richness of the imagery never disappoints.

I have received nothing in exchange for this review. Links to Bookshop and Amazon are affiliate links. I received this book as a gift.