Saturday, December 22, 2007


Today we had a blizzard. According to the paper, it was the worst winter storm (not counting ice storms, I think) we've had here in at least 30 years.

And I decided to take the kids for a drive. I was convinced I absolutely had to return the library books and go to the grocery store. (I took the kids so Kansas Dad could keep plugging away at that dissertation, and because they like the library.) Well, we made it to the library going 20 mph or less the whole way. First Daughter cried three-fourths of the way and then fell asleep (at 10:30 am!). I could hardly see anything, so I was just glad she was quiet.

After the library (where no one else brought their young kids, of course, because it was crazy to be driving in that weather), I decided to try for the store since I was already out. After about a block, my windshield wipers froze and no longer functioned. I had to pull over and break all the ice off of them with the wind whipping around my face. That's when I quit and headed home. Both kids fell asleep on the way, but we made it.

Next time they say "Stay home" on the news, I will.

The snow looks pretty, though. We're having a white Christmas!