First Daughter had her 18 month well child visit today. She hates the doctor's office, of course, and kept asking to leave before they even called us back. By the end she seemed to realize the doctor wasn't really hurting her when she listened to her heart and looked in her ears...and that's when she got the shots. Poor girl! She's well and healthy, though, so we're happy.
The stats: 24 pounds, 1 ounce (just under 50% for her age) 33.5" (just under 95% for her age)
First Daughter seems to be getting better about going to sleep once she's in her crib. We still have to stand by her side and occasionally rub her back, but we're pretty happy when she goes to sleep after we put her down.
Kansas Dad and I watched a movie together tonight. We don't do that very often. (He's usually working at night and we tend toward TV on DVD from Netflix which require less time at once.) It was nice. Kansas Dad even got to feel baby move again. (The first time was while we were in Boston.) Baby's getting stronger. We could watch the belly for kicks!