Our washing machine has made occasional ominous noises for months now. Recently, it has even stopped mid-cycle until one of us discovers it full of soapy water instead of nicely spun clothes ready for the dryer and beats on it a few times to get it to start up again.
A load of towels may have done it in last night. We can turn it on, but it doesn't really agitate or spin anymore. Kansas Dad spent the morning taking the back off and trying to discern if the problem lay with the motor or some sort of belt, but without luck.
On Monday we'll call someone to come look at it, but not the Sears guy. He came to look at our dryer over a year ago and said it was hopeless and we should just go buy a new one (a tip that cost $60). Kansas Dad bought a part online for $30 and fixed it himself. We're just hoping someone can fix it. I'm not happy about repairs, but I'd be even unhappier paying for a new one.
I very much miss having my own washing machine, though, and it's only been 24 hours.