Recovering from pregnancy and birth is hard. As soon as one part stops aching, something else starts up. For me, the worst of the swelling is post-birth. (I actually only weighed 6 pounds less when I came home from the hospital even though my baby was well over 8 pounds because I added so much water weight!) Now that Second Daughter is two weeks old, my body is getting back to normal. I'm still trying not to do too much (having a rough recovery after First Son's birth), but I think I could get back to a normal schedule. The whole nursing thing is going very well by now, too.
I'm not sure I've ever suffered from the "baby blues" but I certainly am weepy after the birth of a baby. It's not sadness, though; it's an acute realization of the fleeting nature of a baby and family life, the ache of love for my children as I watch them wander a room and seek out activities or the sweetness of a head bent near mine over a wonderful book. (First Son is currently enthralled with One Morning in Maine (Picture Puffin)
Having three kids is hard. I asked Kansas Dad to remind me how hard it was to have a newborn with two others running around when I start dreaming of having baby #4. (I'm such a sucker for the four- to six-month-olds, I'm certain the urge will come.) He laughed, since we've already agreed not to discuss anything until Second Daughter is a year old, and suggested that perhaps First Daughter is making it so hard because she's just a bit more demanding of our time than First Son was, what with her propensity to seek out all areas of danger. It is difficult to tell if it is her youth or her personality that make newborn #3 more stressful than when she was born. First Son is much more easy-going about everything and always has been. Of course, the whole "buying a house" thing probably isn't helping.