Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Books That Changed Our Dreams

** This review was originally written and posted back on July 30, 2007, but I found it while perusing old reviews and thought it worthy of a rerun.

First, a confession: I haven't read Mr. Pollan's book. I imagine I'll read it eventually, but there are only so many pages a working mother of two [three now!] can get through.

I did just finish the Wendell Berry book. Kansas Dad urged me to read it now that he's become a great believer in the small family farm, including convincing me it should be our family goal. I have no problem with the small family farm; perhaps because it's already in my genes, but I agreed to read the book because he was so excited about it. I found it a convincing argument against commercial agriculture at the expense of the small farmer. I can understand how Kansas Dad feels because having read it, I'm now anxious to begin our little family organic farming experience, complete with draft animals. (The desire for draft animals may die down, though we have discussed keeping a horse once we're established, for riding and other fun.)

I'm not going to write much here simply because I haven't the time, but if you're interested in the our family dream, these books will give you an idea where we're headed.