1. The kids have been outside at least once every day of homeschooling. I'm very proud of this fact because taking them outside is a hassle, but I had hoped to get them outside at least twice a day. I'm probably going to end up changing the schedule a bit. Stay tuned. (I know you're all on the edge of your seats.)
2. I seriously cleaned the kitchen dining area on Tuesday, including all the cinnamon we had spread on the window sills to keep out the ants. (They hate cinnamon, but apparently they were getting in somewhere else.) I even mopped again. I also showed First Son how to wash windows, though he wasn't as interested as I'd hoped. (It's so nice to be able to post this for Small Successes. Have you ever noticed how it's much more obvious when things are dirty than when things are clean?)
3. I have worked out faithfully three days a week since we started our school year. (That's five times, for those of you trying to do the math in your head.)
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