Thursday, November 5, 2009

Catching Up

I've finished going through all the October pictures. They've been uploaded and ordered! My goal is to get them in an album within two days of receiving them. (It's good to have goals, right?) I'd forgotten how many pictures I'd taken in the last few days of October and have a few I wanted to share.

Second Daughter going down the slide. She needed help getting to the top, but not getting down.

First Daughter made bunk beds for LarryBoy and Alfred.

First Son finished his handwriting book. I had thought he would need more practice, but his progress in the last few weeks was tremendous! I still have an extra practice book, and we may use it, but for now he's working on our address and phone number. Here's the last page from his official kindergarten book. In case you can't see it, he drew a chicken on a nest of eggs with the sentence, "This is a chicken."

First Son also recently made some chocolate chip cookies. All by himself!

And of course, there was Halloween. At first the kids said they wanted to be LarryBoy, wearing the hats and capes they already have. That was fine with me - nothing to buy. When I pulled out a few costumes we had in the closet, though, they both changed their minds. We have a bear, a bunny and an astronaut.

Second Daughter didn't really understand what any of it meant. She only enjoyed the houses that had pets, though she did love eating M&Ms when we got home.