1. I made my first angel food cake (using a recipe in The Art of Simple Food: Notes, Lessons, and Recipes from a Delicious Revolution
2. I have frozen 24 burritos and one night's worth of tuna noodle casserole to eat after the baby is born. My stash was officially started with a dinner from a friend (mmm...enchiladas), but I'm glad to be adding to it myself as well. (Kansas Dad has eaten some of those burritos for lunches this week, but I'm not complaining because he also made a double batch of spicy penne casserole last night so we could freeze another dinner.)
3. I wiped all the jars of strawberry jams, jellies and sauces clean (see them here) and stored almost all of them under our bed until we need them. (Some people stuff money under their mattresses; we slide jars under them.) I have a few sitting prettily on the hutch until we deliver them to some friends and teachers who should have received gifts much earlier.
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