If I'm going to post for Tasty Tuesday more often, I'm going to have to work on my food photography skills. Seriously lacking.
I'm really posting another tasty recipe, though: caramel apples! The key to scrumptious caramel apples is making your own caramel. Do not be afraid! It's very simple, if a little time consuming.
I used my Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book (Better Homes & Gardens Plaid)
1. Melt half a pound of butter.
2. Mix in vast amounts of sugar, corn syrup and sweetened condensed milk. Heat until bubbly.
3. Continue to boil until the caramel reaches 248 degrees F (about 15 - 20 minutes).
4. Mix in vanilla.
5. Dip your apples!
A few tips:
1. This is a fantastic way to use yummy apples that you've grown or picked. Any small blemishes, because they are real apples, will be covered by the caramel.
2. Do not, I repeat, do not unwrap and melt store-bought caramels. Just don't.
3. Do not make this recipe too often. (See the ingredient list.)
4. A candy thermometer is essential to successful caramel, and any candy-making. They are not very expensive and are a wise investment because you also need them to make lemon meringue pie. I've never made lemon meringue pie, but one day I may and I will be glad to have my candy thermometer.
5. Be prepared to stay by the stove and keep an eye on your boiling pot. Or, ask your husband to do so while you check your email.
6. The recipe says to pour the caramel into a pan to firm up. I just dip my apples then and pour what's left into a small pan.
7. Caramel apples are best prepared for a party or gathering of some sort. Otherwise you'll realize you've eaten ten caramel apples in three days and wonder why your teeth and stomach ache a little bit...as you're reaching for an eleventh. (See #3.)
If you're looking for some more tasty recipes, click over to City Wife, Country Life for Tasty Tuesday.