This is one of the best books I've read! It's quick and easy with lots of laughs. You won't find any amazing intellectual insights, though there are quite a few Truths of the motherly inclination. I love Rachel's writing. (I read her blog, so I can call her by her first name, right?) She's the mother of five boys and one girl (though her littlest one wasn't born until after the book was published). Though her focus in the book is usually on life with boys, there's enough here for any mother to enjoy. (I read parts aloud to Kansas Dad, who laughed along with me, but it's really not the kind of book most dads would pick up on their own.)
Spend some time at Testosterhome. If you like what you read, find a copy of this book. Read a few pages every time you get a little frustrated with your kids. I read through mine quickly because it's an interlibrary loan copy, but I think it could be valuable to have around for those times when a mother needs a quick laugh and a reminder of the good times.
In fact, any family with a two year old should have a copy of this book.