Things got back on track, though, and we ended up with a lovely day. We finished all of our lessons, even catching up a little on history and catechism. We enjoyed choir as always and I had dinner well on the way when Kansas Dad got home. I needed a day like today.
Some funny stories from the day:
We played outside for a little while in the gorgeous sunny fall weather. I suggested marching around the house and First Son insisted we do so seven times while he hummed music from one of the Jericho videos. I joked to First Daughter, "I hope our house doesn't fall down!"
She replied, quite seriously, "No, we won't yell at the end."
Later, I read one of the fables from Aesop's Fables for Children: Includes a Read-and-Listen CD (Read and Listen)
First Son narrated the story. I then asked (out of curiosity, not worrying too much if he really understood the moral), "What do you think the statue would look like if a lion had made it?"
He answered, without hesitating, "Wobbly."