Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Gift of Peaceful Cleaning

First Son turned seven today and it was a wonderful day! I have his birthday post started but it's missing some pictures and I want to flesh it out a little. I hope he won't mind (someday, if he ever reads these things) if I delay it a bit. Second Son is starting to fuss and I'm going to have to go tend to him. (Ah, the sacrifices of a big brother!)

I did want to say, though, what a wonderful gift I had this morning. Kansas Dad had commencement this morning and a baccalaureate mass last night so I was alone with the kids and trying to prepare for our little party this afternoon. (I really must start scheduling birthday parties better.) Anyway, I was feeling very stressed about getting the house what I thought was properly clean, baking the cake and making cookies (because First Son kept changing his mind about what he wanted, we had both). A few days ago I called a wonderful family from our parish and asked if two of their girls would help me out and they agreed. I was able to relax a little more last night knowing someone would be here to lend a hand (four of them) this morning.

They arrived bright and early. The younger one had a whole bag packed with activities, games, crafts, a book and a movie! How fantastic! The older one pretty much held Second Son the entire three hours they were here while I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, ran laundry, mopped (kitchen and bathroom) and even cleaned the cupboards a little. Really, my house hasn't been this clean in months. We haven't devoted that kind of energy to it because Second Son cries when he's not being held in the afternoon or evening. There's only so much we can do after bedtime. (He's content in his swing or on the floor or the car seat pretty much from 8 am to 10 am or so and not at any other time. I'm not exaggerating. Ask Kansas Dad.) Today, I cleaned and no one cried. (Well, Second Daughter cried once when she fell down, but one of the girls comforted her and she was fine.)

While I cleaned, I thought to myself, not only are cooked meals a wonderful gift for a new mom, little certificates to be redeemed for baby holding at a later date would be invaluable. Priceless, really.

And now my time is up. Sleep well!

Oh, I love my clean floors!