One of his new favorite games is Peek-a-Boo. He doesn't just laugh when we hide and say "Peek-a-boo!" He'll hide his face in my shirt while I ask "Where's Baby?" Then he'll lift his head, grinning like crazy, as I say "Peek-a-boo!" Hopefully Kansas Dad and I can manage to get a little video of it soon.
I'm healing and Second Son is learning to calm himself a little, at least early in the day, so things are nearly normal around here. We're almost at full lessons and a reasonably tidy household. Kansas Dad is still making dinner most evenings and we've benefited from a few storms that canceled our outside activities a few weeks in a row. Second Son has had a cold and refused to sleep on his own in the evenings so I've been holding him and watching a lot of Netflix, but he's on the mend. So I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel and hope to get back to posting every now and then again. As much as I enjoy my blog, it's near the bottom of my list of priorities (as it should be). But I miss it.
Happy Valentine's Day!