So we decided to take action. As soon as Second Son's cold was a bit better, we prepared. We checked out Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems: New, Revised, and Expanded Edition
He cried.
We followed the schedule in the book, going in and talking to him briefly. After an hour, he fell asleep. All in all, we considered it fairly easy.
On Saturday, he cried for less than ten minutes.
On Sunday, he cried for about two minutes before falling asleep.
Tonight, no tears at all!
Oh, the joy! The bliss! Wandering the house without a baby in my arms!
I'm nearly too exhausted to take advantage of it, but soon, very soon, I expect to start making a dent in the List of Things That Have Been Left Undone for Two Months. Hopefully I can tackle a good bit of it before he starts teething and stops sleeping again.