Aesop's Fables for Children: Includes a Read-and-Listen CD
I've mentioned this book a few times in our resource lists (2010-2011 School Year Books and Resources) and our recommendations for Ancient Greece. We've read and enjoyed this book so much, though, I decided it deserved its own post.
There are many versions of Aesop's Fables. This one is my favorite. The fables are clearly printed with plenty of beautiful color illustrations. The children would often look ahead and then ask me to read the fable for a particular illustration. Aesop's fables in general are excellent for learning how to narrate. Many of them are only a few paragraphs long. For nearly the entire first grade year, First Son could only consistently narrate well these fables. Everything else was a struggle. (He's a little better now in second grade.)
We recently listened to the included audio CD for the first time. The readers say the page numbers, which I found annoying, but perhaps others would like that. Kansas Dad enjoyed listening while he was in the van with us. He didn't have the fun of reading them during our lessons.
We won't be reading any fables this year for the first time in two years. I may bring them out again next year, when First Daughter is in kindergarten, but her narration skills are already equal to or better than her brother's so she wouldn't need them for the practice. We would read them just to enjoy them.