It's also time to start thinking about ornaments. We'll be starting ours the first week of Advent, so I really must decide what we're making this year. Do I finally dare the salt-dough-baked ones? Second Son just might let me get away with it this year...
I have a new Advent wreath this year! I'm very pleased with it! (It's this one, though I bought ours at a local Catholic book store.) I'd like to get a big white candle to put in the middle of it for the Christmas season.
For the first time, we're going to read through The Life of Mary
The real question is...will we have a Jesse Tree this year? Every year I say no, then we do at the last minute because the idea of a Jesse Tree is so wonderful...but my children have never liked it. Hope springs eternal, though, and they are one year older...
First Son will have his first confession this Advent. That's certainly something worth celebrating! His birthday and baptism anniversary also fall within Advent.
First Son and First Daughter will see The Nutcracker for the first time this year. I think First Daughter is mostly excited about wearing her princess dress again.
Did I mention Kansas Dad also has a birthday during Advent?
Oh, my, we'll be busy!