2. Second Son has developed a habit of exercising with Kansas Dad and me. While we're working out, he'll try to march with us or raise his hands when we do. When he gets very excited, he runs circles around us until he falls down dizzy, giggling away.
3. Clean laundry! Our washing machine, which was less than four years old, died a premature death this week. After almost three full days without washing anything (in a house with six people, one of whom wears cloth diapers), I ran the new machine for an entire day.
4. While the girls spent a night with Grammy making cookies, Jello jigglers and watching a movie, Kansas Dad and I took First Son (and his brother) out for a special dinner and then watched the three original Star Wars movies one right after another with just a break for sleeping a bit in the middle of the second one. It was remarkably fun to watch First Son watching them for the first time. It was also a nice quiet dinner. It's amazing how civilized dinner can be without a three year old.
5. Second Son has decided it's funny to point to himself and say "Dada" or "Mama." He just laughs and laughs.