Monday, June 25, 2012

What I Loved About Last Week (36th Ed.)

1. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers - I forgot to mention these last week. I used six of them to clean off all the pencil marks and crayon drawings Second Daughter had done on the walls and doors in our house. I avoided them for a long time because I thought they might have chemicals in them, but then I read they work by abrasion (like sandpaper). They did take off some paints, but I was willing to make the trade.

2. They turned the sprinklers on at the donut club this week.

3. I took the kids to a small water park and we all had a fantastic time!

4. I passed the fit test for P90X. (Kansas Dad blew the test away.)

5. Second Daughter asking Second Son to hold her hand in the van.

6. Blowing bubbles on Grammy's front lawn after Sunday dinner.

This week is Totus Tuus!