Monday, August 20, 2012

What I Loved About Last Week (43rd Ed.)

It's late on Sunday night and, unlike most weeks, I didn't jot down a single note about what I loved last week, so this is going to be quick and (probably) incomplete. And without pictures.

1. Last week was our first week of school! Only 35 weeks to go...

2. First Daughter's reading lessons were a delight last week. We finished up last year really struggling, not because she couldn't read but because she couldn't be still and focused, effectively driving me crazy. After a summer off, she's brilliant - flying through lessons with hardly any problems at all (pretty impressive without any review). So I think she just needed to mature a little and I intend to remember that when it comes time to teach Second Daughter how to read. If she gives me any trouble, we'll just set it aside.

3. Second Son praying with us in the morning. He runs over to the prayer shelf and holds his little hands in prayer.

4. First Son's independent reading went really well last week. I had been asking him to read one book aloud to me and a different one independently, but I was so pleased, I think we'll just let him read the one independently and have him narrate now and then in the form of discussions which should come easily as he's reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

5. Grammy treated us all to an afternoon at the zoo on Sunday. Lovely weather, lovely company, lovely day! It was especially fun to watch Second Son because he didn't remember the last time we were there.

There was probably a lot more; I'll have to track it all better this week.