The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is a current hit amongst teens and others, especially with the movie recently being released. I found it a well-written account of the love that develops between two teenagers with fatal cancer diagnoses. While it's not particularly religious (some may even say anti-religious), I found the response to the question of the meaning of life to be wonderfully consistent with faith and even intriguing. It's definitely a book for mature teenagers, but I think it would be quite interesting to read and talk about with young adults. (library copy, reviewed on another website)
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart is another teen book I reviewed for another website. It was also fun to read, though the ending is quite dramatic and terrible. Again, this would be a book for older teens, though not one that had quite as much interesting questions to discuss. (library copy)
A Whole Nother Story by Dr. Cuthbert Soup is a fun book I picked up thinking First Son might like it. It's the first in a series and full of jokes and quips as well as exciting twists and turns. I think it'll be on the recommended list for next summer (between fifth and sixth grade) but I might read the others in the series first. (library copy)
The Black Pearl by Scott O'Dell is the story of a boy who finds the most tremendous pearl when diving in a cave that supposedly belongs to an unnaturally large and malevolent manta ray. What follows offers an interesting number of questions about fear and faith and presumption. I'm not sure what the right age for this book is, but it might be acceptable for First Son to read next summer (before sixth grade). I think he'd be ready to think about some of it. (library copy)
101 Famous Poems ed. by Roy Cook is a book of poems I picked from the library nearly at random. I recently decided I'd like to read a poem or two every day and just wanted something with a variety of poems. It was acceptable, but not nearly as enjoyable as other anthologies. I do like reading some poetry every day, though, and think I'll continue. (library copy)
The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story by Craig G. Bartholomew and Michael W. Goheen (Kansas Dad's copy)
Books in Progress (and date started)
- Open Mind, Faithful Heart by Pope Francis (January 2014)
- The Education Of Catholic Girls by Janet Erskine Stuart (February 2014)
- Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift (February 2014)
- A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller (April 2014)
- Genesis: The Book of Origins by Albert Mary Joseph Shamon (July 2014)
- Heart of a Samurai by Margi Preus (August 2014)
- Revolutionary by Krista McGee (August 2014)
- Norton Anthology of English Literature Vol 2 (sixth edition) (August 2014)
- The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming by Henri Nouwen (August 2014)