I should qualify my post by stating I'm not entirely sure this is one of my favorite picture books. It's whimsical and, while I recognize whimsy as a good for children, I'm not inclined to appreciate it myself. Nevertheless, I read the book aloud to Second Son (who's 5) and he loved it. It is, therefore, one of his favorite picture books.
In the book, a variety of animals are snugging up in beds in the evening. Camels on a bunkbed, seals sleeping on chairs balanced on branches, a bed for a butterfly? Nonsense - and yet illustrated with bold delightful colors - the kind of illustrations you'd easily imagine framing and hanging on a child's wall. Second Son enjoyed exploring each spread for little jokes: the chicks still up when the grown-up chickens are sleeping, a bug escaping his bed, frogs nestled in the crook of a crocodiles tail, palm trees growing on top of the camels' bunk beds, a banana tucked carefully in with the monkey.
If you're looking for a bedtime book that welcomes careful contemplation of each page, this is the book for you. The more you look, the more there is to enjoy (you know, for those who love whimsy).