Monday, October 30, 2017

School Week Highlights: Weeks 7, 8, and 9

- We went to adoration, three times.

- We took the children to a local convent for a procession and Rosary on the anniversary of Mary's appearance at Fatima. The girls loved it; I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't gotten about twenty mosquito bites on my ankle. Next time I'll wear bug spray.

- After Second Son's soccer game one Saturday morning, I drove the older two to belt testing for taekwondo. First Son tested for his red belt, yellow stripe, and First Daughter tested for her blue belt, red stripe.

- We had our first chilly day. Second Daughter and Second Son were forced to improvise for warmth.

- We visited a local river for the second time this year for nature study. The river had recently been high, so there were lovely footprints everywhere. And the kids found a lot of mud to take home, too.

- Kansas Dad enjoyed some time with his dad and brother watching a football game in Kansas City. The kids and I took advantage of a quiet Sunday at home to tackle the fall and winter clothes switch. Six hours later, we knew who needed what. Finding time to shop will be the next challenge.

- First Daughter had a allergist appointment last week. Her allergist is an hour's drive away so it's a bit of a hassle, but it went well. We drove straight from there to homeschool band, eating lunch on the way. Poor girl still had sandwich left as I dropped her off for class but we made it!

- Kansas Dad hosted a speaker at his university. I left the kids alone to go listen.

- Our new school schedules are a work in progress, but I think they're the right way to go. First Son is making steady progress in his subjects and I'm not "doing school" at all hours of the day and night. I had to make schedules for our computer and our piano, though.

- First Son had a birthday party, but Kansas Dad and I took the younger three to a local attraction focused on Kansas in the 1870s. We put them in jail and then to work.

- I was sick this past week and we pretty much took a day off school. The kids did their independent lessons, though, and made nature study drawings in our yard. Then I dragged myself out of bed and took them to chess club. (Don't worry; I was very careful to stay away from others.)

- Second Daughter made cut-out sugar cookies and First Daughter made honey cookies. The girls took them to our parish's All Saints party. They were delicious and I hardly had to do anything at all!

- We had St. Francis of Assisi, St. Lucia (of Fatima), and St. Cecilia. The kids sifted through our saint costume bin and put together their costumes nearly by themselves. The joys of older kids!