Here's what we do.
Sunday Morning PSR
The K-5 PSR program on Sunday mornings happens between the early and late Masses and at the same time as an adult education class Kansas Dad co-teaches. Even if the information and class time is redundant, the social time is not; all of our children have friends in the parish who attend the PSR program and they enjoy that time together.
Children's Adoration
When Second Daughter was preparing for First Communion, the leader of our children's adoration hour read many books focused on the sacrament. Some of these are ones I read with previous children but some were new to us. Regardless of the actual program, time in adoration before the Lord is probably the very best preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
- King of the Golden City by Mother Mary Loyola (I purchased this book used.) - I will definitely read King of the Golden City aloud to all the children this year before Second Son's sacraments. I wrote about this book on the blog a few years ago.
- The Little Flower: The Story of St. Therese of the Child Jesus by Mary Fabyan Windeatt - We don't own this one, but it's one all the kids heard two years ago.
- The Children of Fatima and Our Lady's Message to the World by Mary Fabyan Windeatt (purchased from the publisher) and Patron Saint of First Communicants: The Story of Blessed Imelda Lambertini by Mary Fabyan Windeatt (received as a gift) - I will probably let Second Son choose one of these for an independent read.
- St. Patrick's Summer by Marigold Hunt - I might read this aloud if we have time. I've never read it, but I've only heard excellent reports of it from other families and my own children.
Level 2 classes, including many presentations to prepare children for Reconciliation and Communion. These are offered at our parish and there's even a daytime class for homeschooled students.
We have two "lessons" each week in second grade. One day we have "catechism" and on another day we have "sacrament preparation."
We're going to read Jesus and I by Aloysius Heeg. This is one of my favorite books! It's sweet and straight-forward without being overly-simplistic. There are preparation questions at the end for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, so it could almost work all on its own. I've written about it before on the blog. (I purchased this book from Sacred Heart Books and Gifts, though I don't see it on their site now in June 2018.)
Sacrament Preparation
This is a time, once a week, I have set aside for readings and conversations related directly to sacrament preparation. We'll be reading through a few books and, for those that might like to try something similar, I've included our complete schedule. I've planned 30-31 weeks, but it might need to be adjusted depending on when the parish schedules the sacraments. Sometimes I read this aloud and sometimes the child reads it independently and narrates to me, just depending on time and how comfortable the child is with the subject matter and with reading. After five years of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and two years of weekly adoration, Second Son is quite comfortable with the sacraments already!
Jesus with Us: The Gift of the Eucharist by Tarzia and Ferri - This book gives a good overview of the Eucharist through Scripture and history. (I can't remember where I bought this book, probably at a used homeschool sale.)
- p 3-6
- p 8-12
- p 14-18
- p 20-24
- p 26-30
- questions 1-4
- questions 5-8
- questions 9-12
- questions 13-16
- questions 17-22
- questions 23-24 (only 2 of the saints)
- question 24, remaining 3 saints
- First through Fourth Commandments
- Fifth through Seventh Commandments
- Eighth through Tenth Commandments
- Read and narrate.
- "Feed My Lambs!"
- Baptism
- Penance
- Obedience
- The Holy Childhood
- Children of Mary
- Faith
- Hope
- Charity
- The House of God
- The Fair White Page
- Service of God
- Heaven
- The Happy Day
These are resources we have that complement sacrament preparation. If you're feeling overwhelmed by what's above, skip these.
My Path to Heaven: A Young Person's Guide to the Faith by Geoffrey Bliss, S.J., with pictures by Caryll Houselander - I bought this originally to read with First Son when we did Connecting with History volume 3 many years ago. It fits nicely with preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion. I've read it along with some children and asked others to read it independently, depending on their ability to focus and mediate. If you follow Mater Amabilis™, this book is assigned for Lenten reading in Level 2 Year 1 (fourth grade). You could choose to wait until then, but I think it's the kind of book that benefits from repetition, so I plan to use it both years. (purchased new, affiliate link to RC History)
First Communion Days by a Sister of Notre Dame - This is a nice little hardcover book that was gifted to me when a local homeschooling family retired from homeschooling. It's one from Neumann Press that has not been republished by TAN books. (At least, I couldn't find it on the TAN site.) There are a number of the type of stories where young children receive the Eucharist and go to heaven happily when they die a little later of an illness, so I choose not to read it aloud. First Daughter loved the stories in it. Second Daughter read some of them but didn't want to finish it. We'll see what Second Son thinks.
I'd just like to mention a book I think is a great First Communion gift. It's Pray Always: A Catholic Child's First Prayer Book. Second Daughter received a copy of this book from a priest last year, I think just because we were in the right place at the right time. It's a lovely hardcover prayer book. I wrote a bit more about it here.
Links to Amazon, RC History, and are all affiliate links. Other links are not affiliate links. I received nothing in exchange for this post and it is only my honest opinion.