The two texts complement each other well, covering many of the same general subjects but with additional explanations or illustrations on different topics. The Field Guide to Geology has extensive illustrations on nearly every page showing just about every feature mentioned in the text. A Doorway of Amethyst often provides more explanation, often making concepts easier to understand. A Doorway of Amethyst includes detailed discussions of the Catholic view of Creation and the relationship between faith and science. The chapter on the Williston Basin is one of my favorite readings of Level 3.
I initially developed a two-year plan using The Field Guide to Geology as the organizing text, including readings from A Doorway of Amethyst as they were related. After two years, the student has read all of both books. I also included a few sections of The Practical Geologist. In the Mater Amabilis™, I shared a document of these plans. I also shared a spreadsheet that correlated all three texts by topic so you could pick and choose topics and texts to create your own plan.
I did make a few small changes to the plans as we used them with First Daughter in Level 3 year 1. I eliminated all the readings from The Practical Geologist when I decided to move that text to a term of high school (which First Son will do next year in tenth grade). Because there was a whole section of The Practical Geologist in year two, I adjusted the readings and moved one unit from the end of year 1 to the beginning of year 2. I also split a few of the early readings that seemed long to me.
So here are the readings as we did them in year 1 and as I anticipate them in year 2. (Join the Facebook group to see the original plan and the spreadsheet correlating the three texts.)
Year 1
1 - A Doorway of Amethyst - Introduction pp 1-2. Narrate.
2 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 12-19 (Introduction, Earth in space, How everything began, Birth of the solar system) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 8-10 (Origin of the Solar System to the end of the chapter). Narrate.
3 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 20-23 (Our layered planet and Earth’s size and shape) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 3-4 (Depths of the Earth, stop before “What is rock? What is it made of?”). Draw a sketch of the inside of the Earth in your "rocks" journal. Narrate (oral or written).
4 - The Practical Geologist pp 16-19 (The evidence for the theories). Narrate.
5 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 24-27 (Earth’s building blocks 1 and 2) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 4-6 (“What is rock? What is it made of?” Stop before Heat from within). Narrate and/or explain how minerals like quartz differ from compounds like water and sugar.
6 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 28-29 (Energy and Earth) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 6-7 (Heat from Within, stop before Earth’s magnetism) AND p 11 (To see convection cells). Narrate and/or explain why the Earth’s interior is hot.
7 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 30-31 (Earth as a magnet) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 7-8 (Earth’s magnetism). Narrate.
8 - Unit 1 Exam – Tell what you know about the inside of the earth.
9 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 32-39 (Introduction, Earth’s changing surface, The ocean floor, Oceanic crust). Narrate.
10 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 40-43 (Seafloor spreading, How seafloor disappears) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 13-14 (stop before Ocean crust: four layers). Narrate.
11 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 44-45 (The continental crust) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 14-16 (Ocean crust: four layers through Continental crust; stop before Why we think they move). Narrate.
12 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 46-49 (Clues to continental drift, How continents evolve) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 16-18 (Why we think they move through How to build a continent; stop before Mountain vocabulary)
13 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 50-53 (Mountain building, Rocks recycled) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 18-19 (Mountain vocabulary and Mountain building). Narrate.
14 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 50-53 (Mountain building, Rocks recycled) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 18-19 (Mountain vocabulary and Mountain building). Narrate.
15 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 20-22 (Rocks and minerals through the end of the chapter). Narrate.
16 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 54-61 (Introduction, Rocks from magma, Fiery rocks formed underground, Volcanic rocks) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 25-26 (stop before Volcanic structure). Narrate.
17 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 62-65 (Anatomy of a volcano, Volcanic landforms) and A Doorway of Amethyst pp 26-27 (Volcanic structure; stop before Lava has many shapes). Narrate. Optional - Explore Volcano World for fun.
18 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 66-71 (Volcanic products, Hot water, gas, and mud, Fiery rocks of other worlds) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 27-30 (Lava has many shapes, Near the Deep Hot…, Extraterrestrial Geology, Exotic Waters, Etymology of the word "lava"). Narrate.
19 - A Doorway of Amethyst p 32-33. Make the globe on page 33. Explore the Digital World Tectonic Activity Map.
20 - Unit 3 Exam – Example: Tell what you know about volcanoes and volcanic rocks.
21 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 72-75 (Introduction, Rocks from sediments). Narrate.
22 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 76-79 (Rocks from fragments 1 and 2) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 35 (Sediments; stop before Coal and limestone). Narrate.
23 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 80-83 (Rocks from chemicals, Rocks from living things) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 35-37 (Coal and limestone, Conglomerates, Sediments; stop before How sediments forms) and p 43 (How to identify common sedimentary rocks). Narrate.
24 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 37-39 (How sediments form; stop before The geologic column). Narrate.
25 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 39-41 (The geologic column). Narrate. Optional: complete the lost geologic drill log exercise on pp 40-41.
26 - Unit 4 Exam – Example: Write what you know about sedimentary rocks and/or the geologic column.
27 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 84-89 (Introduction, Rising and sinking rocks, Tilting and folding rocks) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 45-46 (Rock types and their ages, Metamorphic rock is bent; stop before Six faults). Narrate.
28 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 90-91 (Breaking rocks: joints and faults) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 46-47 (Six faults; stop before Many parts; one earth). Draw and label the six fault types for your notes. Narrate.
29 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 92-95 (Earthquakes, Bombs from space) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 47 and 49 (Many parts; one earth, Earthquakes, Asteroid marks; stop before Ways to metamorphose rocks). Narrate.
30 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 96-99 (Rocks remade 1 and 2) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 49-51 (Ways to metamorphose rocks, Metamorphic rock families). Narrate.
31 - Unit 5 Exam – Example: Write what you know about rocks that have been deformed or altered and/or about metamorphic rocks.
32 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 100-105 (Introduction, Rocks attacked by weather 1 and 2) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 54 (Hadrian’s Wall). Narrate.
33 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 106-107 (Soil from rock) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 55-56 (Agents of change; stop before Soil: four horizons). Narrate.
34 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 108-109 (Types of soil) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 56-58 (Soil: four horizons, Soil types). Narrate.
35 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 110-113 (Mass movement, Slopes) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 60-62 (Gravity erosion). Sketch the different kinds of gravity erosion for your notes. Narrate.
36 - Unit 6 Exam – Example: Tell what you know about soil and/or erosion by weather or gravity.
37 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 114-119 (Introduction, Running water, Water comes and goes) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 65-66 (Erosion by water, The water cycle). Narrate.
38 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 120-123 (How rivers form valleys 1 and 2) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 68 (Why rivers run downhill, Widening the river, When rivers meet faults). Narrate.
39 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 124-127 (Where rivers shed their loads, Rivers revived) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 69-70 (Rivers: therefore sediments; stop before Drainage Patterns) and p 72 (Rivers changing their beds; stop before Plateaus and Ridges). Narrate.
40 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 128-129 (Rivers underground) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 67 (Underground waters). Narrate.
41 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 130-131 (Drainage patterns) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 70-71 (Drainage Patterns). Narrate.
42 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 132-133 (Plateaus and ridges) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 48 (Hogbacks) and pp 72-73 (Plateaus and Ridges; stop before Lakes). Narrate.
43 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 134-137 (How lakes form, Vanishing lakes) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 73-76 (Lakes, Vanishing lakes, A hole is forever—almost, Karst landscape, Caverns). Narrate.
44 - Unit 7 Exam – Example: Tell what you know about the water cycle, rivers, and/or underground water.
45 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 138-143 (Introduction, The sea in action, Sea attacks the land) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 79 (Waves and coastlines; stop before Rising and falling seas). Narrate.
46 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 144-145 (Drowned coastlines) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 79-81 (Rising and falling seas; stop before Causes of Waves). Draw and labels different kinds of coastlines for your notes. Narrate.
47- The Field Guide to Geology pp 146-149 (How sea builds land, Shores risen from the sea). Narrate.
48 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 150-151 (Where coral grows) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 81-82 (Causes of Waves). Narrate.
49 - Unit 8 Exam – Example: Tell me what you know about how the sea builds and destroys land.
50 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 152-155 (Introduction, Glaciers and ice sheets) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 93-95 (Rocks with Scratches; stop before Gathering the rocks). Narrate.
51 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 156-157 (How ice attacks the land) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 95-96 (Gathering the rocks, Glacial scratches; stop before Erratics). Narrate.
52 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 158-161 (Debris dumped by ice 1 and 2) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 96 (Erratics). Narrate.
53 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 162-163 (Around an ice sheet's rim) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 97-98 (Glacier, Louis Agassiz). Narrate. Independent reading - The Ghost Lake: The True Story of Louis Agassiz (on your Kindle)
54 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 164-167 (Wind the eroder, Windblown deposits) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 98-99 (Dunes, Loess, through end of chapter). Narrate.
55 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 168-169 (Lands shaped by wind and water). Narrate.
56 - Unit 9 Exam – Example: Tell what you know about how glaciers, ice, and wind shape land.
Year 2
1 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 170-173 (Introduction, Relative dating: using rocks) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 86 (Fossils in geology; stop before Biologic dating – fossils). Narrate.
2 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 174-177 (Relative dating: fossils 1 and 2) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 86-87 (Biologic dating—fossils; stop before Pre-Cambrian life). Narrate.
3 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 178-181 (Clocks in rocks, The geologic column) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 109-110 (The geologic column; stop before Major Geologic Periods). Narrate.
4 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 182-183 (Early times). Narrate.
5 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 184-185 (The age of former life). Narrate.
6 - Unit 10 Exam – Example: Tell what you know about the record of Earth’s history and how we know what we know about it.
7 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 186-189 (Introduction, The Age of Visible Life) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 87-88 (Pre-Cambrian life; stop before The Paleozoic). Narrate.
8 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 88-89 (The Paleozoic). Narrate.
9 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 190-191 (Cambrian period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 110-111 (Major Geologic Periods: Cambrian). Narrate.
10 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 192-193 (Ordovician period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 112 (Ordovician). Narrate.
11 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 194-195 (Silurian period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 112 (Silurian). Narrate.
12 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 196-197 (Devonian period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 112-113 (Devonian; stop before Carboniferous). Narrate.
13 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 198-199 (Carboniferous period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 113 (Carboniferous). Narrate.
14 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 200-201 (Permian period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 113-114 (Permian; stop before Mesozoic: Triassic). Narrate.
15- A Doorway of Amethyst pp 102-104 (The Mesozoic Era; stop before The Mesozoic ends). Narrate.
16 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 202-203 (Triassic period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 114 (Mesozoic: Triassic; stop before Jurassic). Narrate.
56 - Unit 9 Exam – Example: Tell what you know about how glaciers, ice, and wind shape land.
Year 2
1 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 170-173 (Introduction, Relative dating: using rocks) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 86 (Fossils in geology; stop before Biologic dating – fossils). Narrate.
2 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 174-177 (Relative dating: fossils 1 and 2) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 86-87 (Biologic dating—fossils; stop before Pre-Cambrian life). Narrate.
3 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 178-181 (Clocks in rocks, The geologic column) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 109-110 (The geologic column; stop before Major Geologic Periods). Narrate.
4 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 182-183 (Early times). Narrate.
5 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 184-185 (The age of former life). Narrate.
6 - Unit 10 Exam – Example: Tell what you know about the record of Earth’s history and how we know what we know about it.
7 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 186-189 (Introduction, The Age of Visible Life) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 87-88 (Pre-Cambrian life; stop before The Paleozoic). Narrate.
8 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 88-89 (The Paleozoic). Narrate.
9 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 190-191 (Cambrian period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 110-111 (Major Geologic Periods: Cambrian). Narrate.
10 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 192-193 (Ordovician period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 112 (Ordovician). Narrate.
11 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 194-195 (Silurian period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 112 (Silurian). Narrate.
12 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 196-197 (Devonian period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 112-113 (Devonian; stop before Carboniferous). Narrate.
13 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 198-199 (Carboniferous period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 113 (Carboniferous). Narrate.
14 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 200-201 (Permian period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 113-114 (Permian; stop before Mesozoic: Triassic). Narrate.
15- A Doorway of Amethyst pp 102-104 (The Mesozoic Era; stop before The Mesozoic ends). Narrate.
16 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 202-203 (Triassic period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 114 (Mesozoic: Triassic; stop before Jurassic). Narrate.
17 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 204-205 (Jurassic period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 114 (Jurassic; stop before Cretaceous). Narrate.
18 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 206-207 (Cretaceous period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 104 (The Mesozoic ends, Buttercups and magnolias, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic) and pp 114-115 (Cretaceous; stop before Cenozoic: Tertiary and Quarternary). Narrate.
19 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 208-211 (Paleogene period, Neogene period). Narrate.
20 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 212-213 (Quaternary period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 115-116 (Cenozoic: Tertiary and Quarternary etc.; stop before Evolution – evidence for design). Narrate.
21 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 91-92 (The merry trilobite, Geologic eras & things, Songs of Zoic times). Narrate.
22 - Unit 11 Exam: Tell what you know about the Age of Visible Life.
23 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 116-117 (Evolution--evidence for design). Narrate.
24 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 163-166 (Appendix 2: Evolution; stop before Philosophy vs. Science). Narrate.
25 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 166-168 (Appendix 2: Philosophy vs. Science through the end of the appendix). Narrate.
26 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 119-121 (The Williston Basin). Narrate.
27 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 123-125 (The Williston Basin in North Dakota; stop before Cretaceous). Sketch and label this part of the column for your notebook.
28 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 125-135 (Cretaceous; stop before Jurassic). Sketch and label this part of the column for your notebook.
29 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 135-137 (Jurassic; stop before Triassic). Sketch and label this part of the column for your notebook.
30 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 137-143 (Triassic, Paleozoic, Mississippian; stop before Devonian). Sketch and label this part of the column for your notebook.
31 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 143-149 (Devonian, Silurian, Ordovician, The Cambrian, Pre-Cambrian). Sketch and label this part of the column for your notebook.
32 - Williston Basin Exam – Example: Tell what you know about the Williston Basin.
33 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 216-223 (Introduction, Mapping rocks, Finding minerals and fossils, Extracting and displaying finds). Narrate.
32 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 224-227 (Useful minerals, Gemstones). Narrate.
33 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 228-233 (Oil and gas, Geological prospecting, Mining). Narrate.
34 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 234-237 (Working with rocks, Man-made rocks). Narrate.
35 - Unit 12 Exam – Example: Tell what you know about how people find and use rocks and minerals.
36 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 238-243 (Introduction, Remote sensing 1 and 2). Narrate.
37 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 244-247 (Landsat, Global positioning system). Narrate.
38 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 248-251 (Mapping the surface, Ice cover). Narrate.
39 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 252-253 (Volcanoes). Narrate.
40 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 254-257 (Earth's gravity field, Earth's magnetic field). Narrate.
41 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 258-261 (Faults and earthquakes, Seismic monitoring). Narrate.
42 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 262-265 (Satellite laser ranging, Prospecting). Narrate.
43 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 266-271 (Ocean surface topography, Seafloor profiling, Ocean flow). Narrate.
44 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 272-277 (The Ring of Fire, Acoustic monitoring, Submersibles). Narrate.
45 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 278-281 (Monitoring the atmosphere, Ozone mapping). Narrate.
46 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 282-283 (Future developments). Look up one of the “planned Earth observation missions” (which should already be completed or underway) and report on its findings.
47 - Unit 13 Exam – Example: Tell what you know about how the earth is monitored.
48 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 284-289 (Introduction, Great geologists 1 and 2).
49 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 151-160 (Geologist & Catholic).
50 - Choose a geologist to research. You will write a report or prepare a presentation on the life and accomplishments of your choice.
51 - Find out about your geologist's early life.
52 - Find out about your geologist's education.
53 - Learn why your geologist chose his or her career.
54 - Read about your geologist's contributions to the field.
55 - Start combining what you've learned into an outline.
56 - Start writing your paper or presentation.
57 - Prepare a posterboard for the homeschool expo. Finish your paper/presentation.
I received nothing in exchange for writing this post. All opinions are my own. The texts and the notebook were all purchased. Links to Amazon are affiliate links.
18 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 206-207 (Cretaceous period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst p 104 (The Mesozoic ends, Buttercups and magnolias, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic) and pp 114-115 (Cretaceous; stop before Cenozoic: Tertiary and Quarternary). Narrate.
19 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 208-211 (Paleogene period, Neogene period). Narrate.
20 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 212-213 (Quaternary period) AND A Doorway of Amethyst pp 115-116 (Cenozoic: Tertiary and Quarternary etc.; stop before Evolution – evidence for design). Narrate.
21 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 91-92 (The merry trilobite, Geologic eras & things, Songs of Zoic times). Narrate.
22 - Unit 11 Exam: Tell what you know about the Age of Visible Life.
23 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 116-117 (Evolution--evidence for design). Narrate.
24 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 163-166 (Appendix 2: Evolution; stop before Philosophy vs. Science). Narrate.
25 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 166-168 (Appendix 2: Philosophy vs. Science through the end of the appendix). Narrate.
26 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 119-121 (The Williston Basin). Narrate.
27 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 123-125 (The Williston Basin in North Dakota; stop before Cretaceous). Sketch and label this part of the column for your notebook.
28 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 125-135 (Cretaceous; stop before Jurassic). Sketch and label this part of the column for your notebook.
29 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 135-137 (Jurassic; stop before Triassic). Sketch and label this part of the column for your notebook.
30 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 137-143 (Triassic, Paleozoic, Mississippian; stop before Devonian). Sketch and label this part of the column for your notebook.
31 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 143-149 (Devonian, Silurian, Ordovician, The Cambrian, Pre-Cambrian). Sketch and label this part of the column for your notebook.
32 - Williston Basin Exam – Example: Tell what you know about the Williston Basin.
33 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 216-223 (Introduction, Mapping rocks, Finding minerals and fossils, Extracting and displaying finds). Narrate.
32 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 224-227 (Useful minerals, Gemstones). Narrate.
33 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 228-233 (Oil and gas, Geological prospecting, Mining). Narrate.
34 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 234-237 (Working with rocks, Man-made rocks). Narrate.
35 - Unit 12 Exam – Example: Tell what you know about how people find and use rocks and minerals.
36 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 238-243 (Introduction, Remote sensing 1 and 2). Narrate.
37 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 244-247 (Landsat, Global positioning system). Narrate.
38 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 248-251 (Mapping the surface, Ice cover). Narrate.
39 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 252-253 (Volcanoes). Narrate.
40 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 254-257 (Earth's gravity field, Earth's magnetic field). Narrate.
41 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 258-261 (Faults and earthquakes, Seismic monitoring). Narrate.
42 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 262-265 (Satellite laser ranging, Prospecting). Narrate.
43 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 266-271 (Ocean surface topography, Seafloor profiling, Ocean flow). Narrate.
44 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 272-277 (The Ring of Fire, Acoustic monitoring, Submersibles). Narrate.
45 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 278-281 (Monitoring the atmosphere, Ozone mapping). Narrate.
46 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 282-283 (Future developments). Look up one of the “planned Earth observation missions” (which should already be completed or underway) and report on its findings.
47 - Unit 13 Exam – Example: Tell what you know about how the earth is monitored.
48 - The Field Guide to Geology pp 284-289 (Introduction, Great geologists 1 and 2).
49 - A Doorway of Amethyst pp 151-160 (Geologist & Catholic).
50 - Choose a geologist to research. You will write a report or prepare a presentation on the life and accomplishments of your choice.
51 - Find out about your geologist's early life.
52 - Find out about your geologist's education.
53 - Learn why your geologist chose his or her career.
54 - Read about your geologist's contributions to the field.
55 - Start combining what you've learned into an outline.
56 - Start writing your paper or presentation.
57 - Prepare a posterboard for the homeschool expo. Finish your paper/presentation.
I received nothing in exchange for writing this post. All opinions are my own. The texts and the notebook were all purchased. Links to Amazon are affiliate links.