Monday, June 3, 2019

Chemistry and Politics: Antoine Lavoisier

by Sarah R. Riedman

I posted recently about Stuff Matters, which I was considering for our chemistry supplemental reading in tenth grade. One of the comments suggested a biography of Antoine Lavoisier instead. I searched our library catalog and came up with a few options. This book was the best and an excellent choice.

It's a little easier to read than a high schooler would probably need, but the discussions of the phlogiston theory are sophisticated enough for high school. It includes extensive descriptions of Lavoisier's political and philanthropic work, as well as a detailed chapter on the French Revolution.

First Son will read this book in tenth grade as a supplement to Sabbath Mood Homeschool's Chemistry Part 2. In the future, I think I'll assign this book in ninth grade with part 1 and move Uncle Tungsten to tenth grade. It's a little more mature.

I have received nothing for this post; all opinions are my own. Links to Amazon are affiliate links. I borrowed this book from our library, but purchased a used copy for our use in school next year.