Friday, April 9, 2021

Kindness in the Mountains: Cloud Tea Monkeys

by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham
illustrated by Juan Wijngaard

This book is based on a Himalayan tale. Tashi is a young girl who tags along when her mother is working on a tea plantation has befriended a troop of monkeys. Each day she shares a bit of her meager lunch with them and laughs at their antics. When her mother falls ill, Tashi tries to work as her mother did, but is cruelly taunted by the Overseer. In her despair, she is comforted by the monkeys. To her surprise, they fill her basket with unusual tea leaves. Their kingly gift changes her life, and that of her mother, forever.

This would make a wonderful addition to Reading Around the World in Picture Books for the Himalayas. It's a little text-heavy for the youngest kids, but you could always spread the reading over a few days if the kids got tired of listening.

I have received nothing in exchange for this post. Links to Amazon are affiliate links. I checked this book out from our library.