We have a number of poetry collections for children, including two that I believe are among the best:
A Child's Garden of Verses: A Classic Illustrated edition
Read-Aloud Rhymes for the Very Young
. None of them seemed to interest First Son, though. I'd read a bit here and there, but he was always ready to move on and never picked them up himself.

Then I found a copy of this book at a used bookstore and decided to risk it because I do love his illustrations.
Eric Carle's Animals Animals
is a book of poetry about (surprise, suprise) animals, each paired with a large collage in the vibrant colors we've learned to expect from Eric Carle. First Son has enjoyed paging through this book on his own and has asked us to read the poems to him. Seals, sharks, whales, elephants, lions, sea turtles, giraffes...all the "favorite" animals of childhood have a place in the book. I think he also appreciates shorter selections with only one or two on each page. It allows him to relax and enjoy the poem and the illustration without clutter.
Now I'll be on the look-out for collections about things I know interest him, rather than collections of poetry in general. We checked
in the swim
out from the library and First Son has been chuckling to himself as he pages through it, particularly on the page with a jellyfish seeking out the jar of peanut butter.
I'm so pleased to have a collection of poetry First Son enjoys. I'm hoping it is just an introduction!