The bad guys are all safely locked up in the jail.

The preparations for the friendly country gathering are well underway at the castle across the way.

LarryBoy, his puppies and the spider disembark from their space shuttle.

Suddenly, the LarryBoy light flashes in the sky. The bad guys have escaped with all the money from the bank! One particularly nasty bad guy, Robert the Terrible, has snatched the princess from the festivities and has fled to his secret hideout in Bear Mountain.

LarryBoy to the rescue!

He uses his "grabber" to save the princess and capture the bad guy.

All stinky bad guys must take a shower before they get locked back up in the jail.

The princess is resting after her ordeal. The bad guys are back in the jail. The money is safely in the bank. Everything is as it should be.
And the play begins again.