Here's a picture of the room with some liners in. I think they're really not dark enough so we may substitute actual darkening shades instead. Kansas Dad saw some that are cloth that I could hem to the right length (I can hem!) and then we'd probably move these to the office which doesn't need actual curtains since it gets a rather small amount of light right now with a tree just outside the window.

And here are the curtains. Right now only one is hanging because we ended up short one set of brackets. Kansas Dad bought another but is on a deadline so we aren't taking the time to hang them yet.

I tried to get a close up so you could see the pattern. I think we spent about five hours on them over the course of a few days, most of that time spent measuring, deciding how I wanted them to hang and ironing. Not included in that time is the two hours I spent picking the fabric, but it was worth it because I love it! (You'll have to come visit because the pictures doesn't do it justice. Of course, I made the bedroom ones first so no one would see them.)

I have no idea if I saved money. Anyone know what curtains cost? Despite the two hours on the fabric choice, I think I like them better than something I would have bought, and it's so fun to wander through the room during the day and think, "I made those."
Next up: Something for the kitchen window over the sink. The sun shines in at just the wrong angle when I'm doing dishes in the evening. I think that one will be more challenging. We have four big windows in the corner of the kitchen and I want what I put over the sink to coordinate with what I put in the corner but not be exactly the same.
Now I just need to get Second Daughter sleeping better so I have more time for sewing and such fun things.