1. My mom and I made these lovely jars of applesauce and tomatoes. It was my first time using a water bath canner and it wasn't as hard as I thought. It was also much harder than I thought, but we were had ambitious goals for the day. We also sliced some apples for the freezer, so an apple pie is in order...as soon as I've recovered. By the way, my mom brought her Pinzon Apple and Potato Peeler, Corer, and Slicer
2. First Daughter's birthday party was a success! I hate birthday parties, not attending them (that's great), but hosting them. I'd much rather declare our family a non-birthday-party-family, but Kansas Dad says they're required. He planned the games (apple bobbing for preschoolers and a pumpkin hunt) and I managed some cupcakes and an apple cake decorated with cut-out apple cookies. First Daughter's favorite part was when the Bob cake-topper got all dirty (with frosting) on the cupcake. The highlight for most guests seemed to be when Kansas Dad showed them how to catch grasshoppers and feed them to the chickens.
3. I did not exercise last Monday, so I missed a session. I planned on missing it because my parents were in town and I wasn't comfortable working out while they sat on the futon right behind me and watched, but I was all prepared to surprise you by making it up on Tuesday. Instead, we adopted a dog. I may still make it up on Saturday. I did, however, exercise at my regularly scheduled time on Wednesday. I'm considering this a success because I didn't let missing a session derail me altogether. (Too convoluted?) I was nervous with the dog, worried he would get in the way, but I put his pillow down and rewarded him a few times with treats and attention. He only strayed a few times right at the beginning. (I don't know what his previous owners were thinking; he's fantastic.)
Bonus: We had our first homeschool field trip (pictures still to come) at the botanical gardens. Still to come this week: our first Nature Study Club meeting.
Head over to Faith & Family Live for more Small Successes!