Through books and stories that are designed to be read aloud, we convey to our children the beauty of language and the joys of rhythm and rhyme; and in the books we choose to read and the way we read them, we also convey the values we hold dear. Every day as you pack a lunch, wave good-bye to a school bus, tie a shoelace, braid a ponytail, the words you want to say to your child hum inside: I love you, be safe, I love you, be free. I love you, I love you, I love you, let the world treat you kindly, come back to me. Here are the values of my life, our family, here is what I hope for you, here is what I dream for you. And yet, for most of us, too many moments slip by and we're lucky to get an "I love you" in edgewise. The good news, wondrously, is that the world is full of literature written by people who know you are longing to make connections and are striving to put a voice to them.
Pam Allyn in What to Read When: The Books and Stories to Read with Your Child--and All the Best Times to Read Them
She offers suggestions for particular ages, but I like her fifty themes the best, "books for the moments that matter most." I have skimmed through enough to know I would not read all of these books to my children; they just wouldn't fit our family. There are so many wonderful selections we already know and love, though, that I'm eager to try a few new titles. Ms. Allyn has provided descriptions of every book to help guide parents in choosing wisely for themselves. As a new release, it also lists a number of more recent titles, like Library Lion
This was a bit of a review in addition to the quote. I hope you'll forgive me.