1. I've pulled out all the fall and winter clothes for the kids and found places for them in their bedroom even though they no longer have a dresser. (The bunk beds have lots of little drawers.) The spring and summer clothes are still out, but I thought there might still be some warm weather in front of us. (I may have benefited from a look at the actual forecast on that decision.)
2. I am already planning our Thanksgiving menu because I am so very excited that my family are coming! (For Uncle A., broccoli and rice casserole. For Papa, chocolate pie!) I may even make up my pie crusts this weekend!
3. Kansas Dad butchered nine of our roosters (leaving one to hang out with the ladies and give us our wake-up call in the morning). We've eaten two of them with some cooked chicken in the fridge from a third for a casserole or something tonight. (Wish I had a plan for dinner...would have made this small success a little more successful.)
As a bonus, our new homeschooling schedule is going well. Deciding to not make up morning lessons in the afternoon if we have other activities in the morning has made me much more relaxed. The kids have also transitioned well to no videos on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm even considering changing Mama's choice on Fridays to either a baking time (letting the kids take turns helping me make something; I've discovered it's much easier to deal with one of them at a time) or a game time.
Head over to Faith & Family for more Small Successes!