In our homeschool, we find ourselves developing our own curriculum (combining resources suggested by Charlotte Mason, Laura Berquist
Monday, February 8, 2010
Thinking About Virtual Education
Kansas Dad has been hard at work on a online course for a new masters program. The current list of virtual schools in Kansas is five pages long. (It seems like every district in the state has one, though ours doesn't, so I know that's not really true.) It is with great interest, therefore, that I've read some recent reviews on Milton Gaither's blog, Homeschooling Research Notes. Read more here and here.
In our homeschool, we find ourselves developing our own curriculum (combining resources suggested by Charlotte Mason, Laura Berquist
, and Mater Amabilis, with lots of help from wiser homeschooling families). Enrolling in a virtual school would certainly not fit within our the moment. The idea is interesting, though.
In our homeschool, we find ourselves developing our own curriculum (combining resources suggested by Charlotte Mason, Laura Berquist