It's Thursday again and time to recognize the small things we do.
1. Second Son went in for his two week check-up and he's doing very well. So well we don't have to bring him in at one month.
2. I took all four kids to the dentist yesterday morning. The two oldest had cleanings and no cavities! Second Son is getting some permanent molars. The two younger ones did not destroy anything, run away, or scream uncontrollably the whole time. We have a wonderful pediatric dentist's office where they are very understanding. They always say such nice things about babies, too. Of course, those babies are future patients, so they have good reason to be gracious. I still like them.
3. I registered our homeschool! In Kansas, you have to fill out a form that includes the school's name and address. That's about it, but I just hadn't gotten around to it. I figured it was time since the public schools in our area are all starting up in the next few weeks. In other homeschooling news, I finished ordering the last few books I wanted and First Son's Blue Knights materials. We also bought some cabinets to store the homeschooling supplies away from Second Daughter and Second Son. Hopefully Kansas Dad will have some time to put them together for me. It's not really my kind of thing and would be even harder hampered by that pesky Second Son who thinks he needs to be held all the time he's not eating and being held.
Head over to Faith and Family to read more small successes or share your own!