I've been thinking for a few days about posting on the two week mark - the wonderful time when a mother's body starts to really be her own again. (You know, except for the whole nursing every two hours part.) Scrolling through the blog archives, I realized I already wrote that post. Honestly, though, I think the recovery after Second Son's birth was the easiest yet. I even carried him around the zoo last Friday at exactly two weeks. (Ok, I just carried him to where the fire truck was spraying kids and then sat with him in the shade for an hour or so while Kansas Dad supervised the older three playing in the water, but I still considered it ambitious. We have a picture of his first trip to the zoo, but the older ones were all tired and cranky so it's hard to tell they had a good time.)
I'll just note that Second Son weighed in at 11 pounds, 4 ounces at his two week visit yesterday. That's more than Second Daughter weighed at a month. Today I put him in the BabyBjorn while I fed the kids lunch, started a load of laundry, folded three loads of laundry and put Second Daughter in her crib for her nap. All together, I carried him in it for just over three hours (when I finally took him out so he'd wake up - we want that kind of sleeping at night!). My shoulders ache a bit! It's easier when they start out smaller so you can build up your strength.