Lately it seems if I don't post small successes, I don't post much of anything. It's not that nothing is happening; it's that most of what's happening is me feeding Second Son! He seems to think it's a full-time job along the lines of first year consulting on Wall Street.
So here are some of the few non-nursing related accomplishments for the week:
1. I finally made my own cloth wipes solution (while Kansas Dad held Second Son). I had some new wipes for Second Son and was inspired.
2. I have finalized plans to start school on Monday. First Son is starting first grade! Our schedule is still undetermined, especially since some of our activities won't start for a few weeks yet, but I thought it would be good for us to start structuring our days a little now that Kansas Dad will be back to a regular semester schedule.
3. I put away the baptismal gown. It was washed right away, but has been laying on my grandmother's chest for a few weeks. Now it's hanging in the closet protected by a plastic bag.
Head over to Faith and Family for more small successes.