Today, Second Son was napping in his swing for longer than twenty minutes for the first time in ten days other than that one day I put him in the Woombie for a nap, when he slept for an hour.
You might think I'd leave him there, quietly napping. You might think I'd tackle the hundred things around the house that haven't been done in the past three weeks including, in part, going through all of November's pictures, Christmas shopping for the kids, Christmas and birthday shopping for Kansas Dad, finishing our Advent preparations, checking the closet to see what I've gathered for the stockings, going through the closet to see if I really have all the nieces, nephews and godchildren covered, mopping the kitchen floor, writing reviews for the past three books I've finished reading, and on and on. Or perhaps I could have just wrapped up some lessons for the day, cleaned the kitchen and started a load of laundry.
Oh, no. This crazy mama had talked to Kansas Dad who said it was a beautiful day and insanely asked the other three kids if they wanted to go to the zoo this afternoon! We packed up our moleskin journals and pencils for some nature study drawing and I woke the baby to change his diaper and strap him into his car seat.
The zoo was wonderful - cool and sunny, not crowded, and fun. The kids loved their journals. First Son drew a flamingo, a fish, and a penguin. But I still can't decide if it was a good idea to wake up a baby who hadn't taken a good long nap in three weeks so we could have nature study at the zoo. Especially now that I hear him fussing in the bedroom.