The Virtues by Pope Benedict XVI (a review for The Catholic Company)
Tanglewood Tales, Illustrated Edition (Yesterday's Classics) by Nathaniel Hawthorne - another delightful collection of myths retold in the same style as in A Wonder-Book for Boys and Girls.
Bone Dance: A Fantasy for Technophiles by Emma Bull wasn't that great.
The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan
The King of the Golden City by Mother Mary Loyola is an allegory to aid children in learning the value of the Eucharist. I'm considering it as part of our preparation for First Communion next year. The protagonist is a little maid, but I think First Son would have a problem with that. It seems to be a quality story and one that could help develop an appreciation of and love for the Eucharist. If I do decide to include it, I'll be using the free study guide for some of our discussions.