Dooby Dooby Moo by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin
This book is ridiculous from beginning to end and always has the children roaring with laughter. Duck is a sneaky guy who devises a plan to win the talent show at the fair to earn a trampoline for the farm animals. They must practice in secret, hiding their talent, such as it is, from Farmer Brown, somewhat unsuccessfully.
The rehearsing is entertaining, but the talent show itself is hilarious. The cows, sheep and pigs all perform, but Duck fears none of them have won the hearts of the judges, so he steps in.
It's not a book about saintly virtues or historical heroes, but I have never yet met the child who didn't beg to hear it again. We always try to read it for our guests, especially as Home on the Range features prominently in the story so it's very appropriate for anyone visiting Kansas.
* I also wrote about this book back in 2008.