Monday, July 16, 2012

What I Loved About Last Week (39th Ed.)

1. I spent an afternoon just with First Daughter. She came with me to the dentist's office (played on the Kindle Fire). We ran some errands and then met Grammy for some fun time shopping.

2. First Son had alter server training this week. Can he really be old enough to be an altar server? He loved it!

3. On Thursday, while First Son was at his altar server pizza party and playing with a friend, the other kids and I went into town. Second Daughter had her free three year vision and eye check (all is great!). Then we went school shopping (yikes). But we celebrated with a picnic at a park with friends and then a bit of time at the science museum before picking up First Son again. Everyone fell asleep on the way home (except me of course!).

4. On Friday we had a lovely play date with friends!

5. We had a nice quiet weekend at home without any activities besides Mass. We needed the time to calm down because today...swimming lessons start!