We'll be reading a picture-book-a-day again, like many others. I love this tradition and spent a few hours yesterday selecting our books. This is what happens when you've spent four years collecting Christmas and Advent books. I had to struggle not to find books for each day but to choose only a few! I used to have more than one on some days and to fill the days between Christmas and Epiphany, but have learned that less is better. It's easier for Mama and the children are just as pleased. (The idea is to be joyfully anticipating the birth, not running frantic and yelling at the kids to be quiet while you read another book.) So we'll read one a day, have plenty of funny-and-not-too-serious books, and finish on Christmas Eve.
Here's a link to the Twelve Christmas Books I'd Take Into the Wilderness.
This post of the new and noteworthy books of 2012 has links to all the others.
I didn't post about our 2013 Advent books because...well, I don't know why. I've started a post combining them with our 2014 books that'll show up sometime. In the meantime, here's a sneak peak of one of my favorites from 2012.
I'm not sure about your library, but I've noticed the big library near us still has many of these books available. There's enough time to choose a handful of books from the library and snuggle on the sofa by the Christmas tree. That's all you need.
May you have a blessed Advent!