I took Second Daughter in for her nine month well-child visit today. She weighed in at a solid 20 pounds 12 ounces. I can't remember her height but both height and weight were in the 80-85th percentiles. The doctor, not our usual one, guessed that Second Daughter isn't pulling herself up yet because she's so heavy. Personally, I think it's because she hasn't tried to pull herself up and cruise, but I'm not complaining too much. She's also not crawling. I'll be glad to see her crawl because it's always nice to check off those developmental milestones, but I'm also glad she's not crawling because a crawling baby always takes parenting to the next level.
I didn't expect any shots today, but we were behind on one of them so she had just one. After the appointment we went to the park to meet up with some friends and then visited a local museum. I noticed Second Daughter chewing something as she watched a puppet show produced by and starring her big brother and sister and thought to myself, "What in the world can that be? She's been in the stroller for at least ten minutes..."
Any guesses? I'll give you a few seconds.
Her Band-Aid.
Ugh. She cried when I dug it out of our mouth, too.