Over at Faith & Family Live, they're talking about the small successes again.
1. I cleared off the top of my washer and dryer. I hate it when there's stuff stacked there, not least because of an irrational fear something will spontaneously catch on fire. (All it took was one dryer warning.)
2. First Daughter is having successes of her own! (I know, they're not mine, but what parent doesn't take some credit for the accomplishments of their children?)
3. I hemmed light blocking curtains to hang behind our bedroom curtains yesterday - and hung them. One is a bit too short and one is a bit too long, but that's what happens when you don't measure because you want to go really really fast because you're ironing something that says in big bold capital letters in numerous places DO NOT IRON. And when you're trying to finish before your two year old daughter gets up from her nap. (Lest you think I was too successful, neither girl napped yesterday.)
Read more successes here and share your own!
Updated: One more to add -- I didn't completely freak out when I saw this guy staking out hunting grounds in the kids' room. I simply reminded myself he was catching the bugs I don't like even more and went about my day (after taking his picture, of course):

I did herd the kids away from the window a bit. I don't know why...it's not like he's hunting them...