For the past few years, we've made Advent chains with activities for each day. You can see some pictures of the chain on this post from 2013. I've made an updated list of activities for 2015. As before, it's designed to be simple for a family with young children and very little preparation. I often print extra copies to share with other families. My kids cut all the strips and activities out and attach the activities to the strips with some double-sided tape or a glue-stick. I include a little paragraph to explain how to put the chain together:
Find the strip for December 24th. Tape or staple it into a loop. Find the strip with the next date on it (December 23rd) and run it through the loop you just made. Tape or staple it. Continue with all of the strips until you reach November 30th. You’ll end up with a chain of loops – one for each day of Advent. Each day, tear off the strip on the end for the day’s date and do the activity together.

I've uploaded an Excel file of the 2015 Advent Activity Chain to Google docs. You should be able to view or download it here.
May you have a blessed Advent!